Camera Roll - November

I turned 25 this month. November also marks the first time I got my hands on an iPhone and took my first iPhone shot. I can't believe it's only been 2 years since then. Looking back at all the photos I had taken with it, it seems much longer. I also can't believe how much my style has changed since the first shot. Not as drastically as one would think but editing wise my workflow has changed. The interesting thing is that I am somewhat using the same two apps that I have been using since the beginning. (VSCOcam and Snapseed) There have been many other apps that I have used through the months but these two I can't live without.

Shooting with my iPhone has been such a rewarding experience for me and I don't ever want to stop. I want to continue making quality images with this tiny computer in my pocket. Ever since I had my first android phone back in 2010 I was taking photos with it and finding ways to be creative with a limited camera. Shooting with my phone is important to me because it forces you to think about an image and how you can make it good with the limitations you have. It's a challenge to be shooting with something so limiting but at the same time has so much potential in different ways. I shoot and think differently when I have it in my hand. I have met amazing friends and gone to really awesome places with it. One of the most inspiring things to me is seeing what other people are doing with their phones and the work is just amazing. A place I like to look at is vsco.coMy goal is to take it further than personal work and see how far I can push this.

First iPhone photo taken on the way home from picking up my iPhone 5.

First iPhone photo taken on the way home from picking up my iPhone 5.

This month I definitely cut back on my shooting a bit. Partly due to the fact that the sun sets at around 4:00 now. I have also been shooting with my Fujifilm more for projects I am working on. Along with that I have been picking up more hours at my part time job and photo assisting work in general so my days are spent doing that and working on the weekends leaves no time for shooting. 

Please enjoy the selection of photos from my camera roll presented in order of when they were taken. For December I plan on bringing back weekly camera roll posts so for now here is the entire month of November.


Weekend at Lake Winnipesaukee