Camera Roll - November
I turned 25 this month. November also marks the first time I got my hands on an iPhone and took my first iPhone shot. I can't believe it's only been 2 years since then. Looking back at all the photos I had taken with it, it seems much longer. I also can't believe how much my style has changed since the first shot. Not as drastically as one would think but editing wise my workflow has changed. The interesting thing is that I am somewhat using the same two apps that I have been using since the beginning. (VSCOcam and Snapseed) There have been many other apps that I have used through the months but these two I can't live without.
Shooting with my iPhone has been such a rewarding experience for me and I don't ever want to stop. I want to continue making quality images with this tiny computer in my pocket. Ever since I had my first android phone back in 2010 I was taking photos with it and finding ways to be creative with a limited camera. Shooting with my phone is important to me because it forces you to think about an image and how you can make it good with the limitations you have. It's a challenge to be shooting with something so limiting but at the same time has so much potential in different ways. I shoot and think differently when I have it in my hand. I have met amazing friends and gone to really awesome places with it. One of the most inspiring things to me is seeing what other people are doing with their phones and the work is just amazing. A place I like to look at is My goal is to take it further than personal work and see how far I can push this.
First iPhone photo taken on the way home from picking up my iPhone 5.
This month I definitely cut back on my shooting a bit. Partly due to the fact that the sun sets at around 4:00 now. I have also been shooting with my Fujifilm more for projects I am working on. Along with that I have been picking up more hours at my part time job and photo assisting work in general so my days are spent doing that and working on the weekends leaves no time for shooting.
Please enjoy the selection of photos from my camera roll presented in order of when they were taken. For December I plan on bringing back weekly camera roll posts so for now here is the entire month of November.
Weekend at Lake Winnipesaukee
A few weeks ago, my friends and I took and weekend trip to Gilford, NH for a little get-a-way. I got the chance to do a lot of shooting, and a beautiful place to shoot it was. The following images were all taken during the weekend trip which include lake views, morning coffee, dogs and hiking through magical fall trails! Please take a look.
Camera Roll (End Of October)
With iPhone's new update they brought back the "Camera Roll" folder in photos which I'm happy about. So I decided to name these posts just that, since these blog posts are basically like taking a peek through my camera roll every week.
These past couple of weeks have been picking up lately with assisting work and hours at my part time job so I have not been able to sit down and create posts as much as I want to. Along with my weekend in New Hampshire which I plan on making a separate post about. I decided to round up the last couple of weeks which are basically the end of October into one post.
Trips to Breakheart Reservation
One last stop for ice cream before it starts getting colder out.
Camera Roll 10.6.14
Every week I like to showcase my life through my Camera Roll. This week we have playing with leaves, exploring Boston and ending the week with a trip to New York City to see American Football!
Camera Roll 9.29.14
Trips to Salem, MA this week. Things are starting to look a lot like fall!
Met up with my friend Matt Ian to get some roof top shots of Boston during the week.
At the end of the week we celebrated the World Wide Instameet #10 at the Arnold Arboetum. Met up with a few different people from Instagram all around Boston and MA.
Camera Roll 9.22.14
This week I got the chance to shoot a lot. At the beginning of the week, I was really itching to shoot with my newly acquired iPhone so I went out to do just that.
The first day of Fall I got the chance to go apple picking and got my fill of Fall themed photos. A very nice change of scenery from the last couple of months and am looking forward to what the rest of the season will bring.
The middle of the week I did some more adventuring throughout Cambridge, MA in between work schedules.
The weekend I got to venture to Rockport, MA before it pretty much closes for the season and then ventured to Springfield, MA to catch the last day of the Big E.
Top of the Hub
I got the chance to go to the top of the Prudential Center building a couple months ago during a really amazing sunset.
Camera Roll 9.15.14
Last week I took my last photo I will ever take with my iPhone 5! Biking home from work, the sunset was amazing over the bridge I usually cross and I spotted someone fishing which made me stop and take the photo.
The following day I ended up getting the iPhone 6! Gold 64GB was the one I grabbed. For a while I was contemplating the plus but after some heavy review I came to the conclusion that it was just not for me and stuck with the regular size iPhone 6. The next day I was in Rhode Island and got a chance to test it out around Providence and Newport.
First photo taken with the 6 at the Burlington mall where I picked up the phone.
Camera Roll 9.8.14
I got a chance to do a lot of shooting with my phone this week. Monday morning was already filled with adventure as I roamed Boston on my day off after meeting with a friend to go shooting. This week I explored familiar places in a new way as I wandered the streets of Boston and Cambridge with a pair of brand new shoes and some music. Letting my curiosity and fascination with light take me on a visual journey that was filled with a lot of architecture and the people that inhabit the space.
Thanks for checking out my images this week. If you would like to see more, I'll send you over to my VSCO grid
Camera Roll 9.1.14
Images taken with my iPhone throughout the week of September 1st
This weeks iPhone images come from a few different places. walking around Boston during the week I got a chance to grab some architecture shots along with some of the dead animals you will see here. Also in here are some shots from the Reading, MA fair.
White Mountains Camping Trip
I finally got to have some time off this summer and go on a camping trip with my dad and brother. The time was short but it was really fun while there. We hiked up a small mountain called White Cliff and explored the area. Here are the photos from my weekend.
We hit the road on an early Friday.
We finally arrived and had to register with the camp grounds. After setting up we decided to go look around for a bit before it got too dark and preview our hike for tomorrow.
Prepping for dinner
After some breakfast we headed to the top of the mountain.
The hike down was quick and just like that it was over and we were back at our camp site. We ended up exploring other places along the road to see what was around and discovered this lake where we stopped to look at the mountains we were just on.
The White Mountains in New Hampshire is such an amazing place. It's crazy to think how different the landscape is from the city and it's only 2 hours away. The last time we came here was 4 years ago, and I am happy I got to do it again with my dad and brother. We have already planned for next year.